AmigaActive (1510/2143)

Date:23 May 2000 at 10:22:53
Subject:RE: Real3D v4

On Mon, 22 May 2000 22:59:44 +0100, Alan Watson <>
> Hi all,
> I remember that the guys behind one of the best 3D packages on th
> e Amiga,
> (Real3D)were looking for coders to port the latest version to the
> miggy
> as a ppc app.Does anybody know what the outcome of this was?
> BTW here's their webpage :-

I recently purchased v3.5, and it is so good, I am sick that I didn't buy
it sooner.

As for v4 on the Amiga, I've put this question too them and their anwer
is that they are not "abandoning" the platform; I guess they need to know
if it would be financially viable. . . Read the FAQ on the website to
find out exactly what the reply was.

I also asked about the Linux version, and whether or not they would make
it vailable on Linux platforms other than x86 (i.e. PPC), the answer was
that it was unlikely; but not impossible.

Checking out the features/screenshots it looks like it will be amazing.
The upgrade from 3.5 will only be $300 USD, which is good value I reckon.
It might even persuade me to buy an x86 linux box.

Maybe Amiga Corp (or whatever they call themselves:)) could ask them
really nicely to do an Amiga port (They say that most of the code is not
platform specific, so it won't be that hard to port).

Check out the website, and register you interest in an Amiga version
( :)

> Regards,
> Alan Watson

Andy Kinsella.

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

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